Monday, October 26, 2020

Multimeters : TOP 5 :

The item was well packed and arrived without any damage. I made some quick tests. Tested the scope function with 10 kHz and 10 MHz square signal. At 10 MHz it have larger distorsion compared to a Hantek 2D72 scope. The sine shape is acceptable at 25MHz and good at 5MHz. The voltmeter tested with LT1021CCN8 5V and 10V voltage references. The measured values are in the tolerance of the reference ICs. The instrument sucks the batteries so it is recomended to use rechargeable ones. The quiet mode is not documented. To reach it press F4 while turn on. It not stored so you have to do it every time when turn it on

3 weeks shipment to Israel (good). Note that it does not use the std Israel post-office but use U-SPEED. Beware if order value is above 75$ !! (this item is less) * The item working OK. I bought it for it's clamp DC current so I compared clamp DC current to Fluke wire current - see pictures. Above 2A, deviation was less then 2% and get improved as the current increased

I received the screen a little damaged, but it's suitable for my use. Measure are very precise. Next to the price, is excellent, I recommend. cables with interchangeable pins are very useful. Square wave generator isn't very useful cause of his limit amount of frequency choice and voltage amplitude. SHIPPED WITHOUT BATTERY

very good multimeter..good quality and good screen thanks Banggood

A simple basic multimeter that measures ONLY AC current with the clamp. Good choice for auxiliary multimeter at a pretty good price !!!!!

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